Wednesday, October 2, 2013

yoga boot camp

2 Oct - omg. omg. omg…… Yoga right, you know, where you slowly stretch and balance and sit chanting, THAT is what I signed up for!  What I got was yoga boot camp!  It was only about 45 minutes longer then I was prepared for (physically & mentally) and it did things to my body that haven’t been done in a VERY long time!  I am 55 years old (almost, it adds to the dramatic statement) and there were girls in there half my age looking at Barb with “You want me to WHAT?!?!?”.  I swear, when was the last time you stood on one leg with the other straight over your head for like 10 minutes (okay, maybe it was only 1 minute) and no I did not do it, I have some dignity! Besides I would have fallen over on the little pregnant girl and crushed her, I can’t be responsible for that!  I made it the whole hour, (I did) Barb was watching to make sure I was keeping up (or not stroking out, there’s that too).  But I have never sweated so much, doing what seemed like so little, so slooooowly, it even fogged up my glasses!  But when she got to the “go into Downward dog to Plank to Cobra”, I was doing it before I realized I had been tricked! I do not do Plank’s, nope, not modified, not cobra-like, the only Plank I do is the one with my whole body on the floor.  My indignation had just passed when she did it again! So when she tried a third time I was ready for her, yup, I went right from my Downward dog into my Cobra (Ok, maybe my arms gave out and I didn’t have much choice), but I showed her!  The piece de resistance (literally) is when she did something called The Bow (google it). Now I could do the half Bow thingy, but I took one look at Barb demonstrating a full Bow, and literally, my mouth dropped open and when I looked over, one of the other girls was chuckling at the look on my face. THEN she rolled over on her side and back up again!  My arms are jelly, my legs are rubber and I am pretty sure I bruised my chakra.  Thank goodness the class is only once a week, it is going to take me that long to feel normal again (and practice The Bow). As an aside, I now understand why Yoga clothes are fitted, loose clothing gets in the way and hampers movement, something more defined would help a lot.

Going to Walk the BRT with Chrissy today, share the secrets of Yoga with her……….


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