Monday, October 28, 2013

Defeating the "WOD"

27 Oct - So I decided to pass some of my time at the hotel by using the “Fitness Room,” a place I have looked at in hotels, but never ventured.  Why you ask?  Well, let me tell you……….  If you look back at previous blogs, you will realize that I had no idea what all that machinery was for. To me it was just some archaic weapons of destruction (WOD), namely mine.  Not only that, I had no idea what I was suppose to do with it, what if I pushed the wrong button and blew out the back of the treadmill?!?!?  Second, I do not look good in Yoga pants. I know right?! EVERYONE looks good in Yoga pants. They shape the contours, making all our butts look like supermodels - except me.  When I pull on a pair and look in the mirror I have images of those knobby tires on monster trucks. Strike Two.  Finally, I am not big on “Group” activities, if I am going to punish myself, I prefer to do it in monastic secrecy (ie - out of sight of others). Not only will I be in public but I will be reflected back a zillion times from all the infernal mirrors!  Multiple reflected angles of my less than graceful attempt at self preservation, because that is all I am trying to do when I get on one of those machines - make it out alive!
So, I wandered (actually, I purposely took the elevator to the roof where the pool & WOD were) and peeked in the window, hoping no one was there.  The night before I had casually glanced through the window, checking out what was there and had seen a woman using a recumbent bike.  The bike was available, but there were about a dozen people, on various pieces of equipment and I turned around and headed back to the elevator.  As I waged a war in my head, two things came out ahead: A. “You said you were going to try” and B. “It’s recumbent, it’s not like you can fall off!”.
I went back. I put my room key in the lock and walked in - I will never be afraid again. Thank you Michelle!
Laurie Davidson Donohue

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