Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bring on the challenge


This week was really great! Went to 2 classes at the Y, and fell in love with the CardioSculpt class on Mondays!! That is an awesome and challenging workout! I also learned some great new recipes to try out (even though I hardly ever cook)! While learning some new and healthy recipes, I also was able to get to know more about the other ladies in the challenge. They are truly great women who are all motivated for their own reasons to change their lives and you can just see their passion to do so! It's encouraging. Also, I was feeling kind of down today and just stressed from all the week had to offer so instead of crashing on the couch like I really wanted to do, I decided that I needed to get moving and go for a jog because they always make me feel better.... Well, I hammered out my best 2 mile ever by knocking off a whole 4 minutes!!! I need to push myself that hard every time!! It didn't even kick my butt, I actually enjoyed it!! Bring on the challenge of running the whole 2 miles non stop, because I KNOW I can do it!!!

Feeling great,


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